Money Lessons from the Avengers

Y’all. I AM SO EXCITED FOR TODAY. If you don’t know why based on this title and the date, you probably won’t enjoy today’s blog post very much. In honor of the premiere of Avengers: Endgame, in which ALL CHARACTERS HAD BETTER LIVE, DAMN IT, I decided to distill all of the films in the franchise to their money lessons. Which, I’ll be honest, was quite the stretch in some places. And I couldn’t have done it alone; my BFF Lyra valiantly assisted to save the day with a number of these. Thanks, boo!

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New Year and New Goals

Ok, I know that the New Year is actually not really the optimal time to set new goals. But there’s something so enticing about a new year and new possibilities. And this “new goal” has been in the works for awhile and is finally turning into reality. In the past year, I’ve made a lot of progress toward ongoing goals. I’ve paid off my credit card debt and traveled. I’ve focused more on self-improvement and read plenty of non-fiction books. But I also had some set-backs; I didn’t get a job I thought I wanted, and then spent seven months trying to figure out my life. That included clarifying my professional goals, turning down a few seemingly perfect opportunities that weren’t right for me, and thinking about relocating to a lower cost of living location. I wrote all about 2018 in my last post.

drinking champagne from fridge 2018 new goals
I need a drink after that 2018… (via GIPHY)
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A Year of Book Recommendations: Nonfiction

I’ve always been a voracious reader, primarily of fiction (and specifically fantasy novels). This year, I decided to consciously track the books I read throughout the year, both so I could be keeping myself accountable with regard to reading more nonfiction, and so I could know how many new books versus old books I read/reread respectively.
belle reading book recommendations
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