Behold, the Updated Locations Spreadsheet (and an Update on my Location)

Before I jump into things: If you happen to be reading this right after it drops, here’s a quick PSA (directed to readers who are also in the US, but relevant to anyone living in a democracy) – VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE!! We all have a civic duty to stay informed and participate in our democracy. Please vote in Tuesday’s election if you haven’t already voted early. Research your candidates, and understand what they stand for. And critically, please vote as a citizen and not as a consumer. Voting (in my opinion, but this is my blog, so that’s all you get) is a profound act of participation. We are making our voices heard on what we think is best for our country and our fellow citizens.

This likely means acknowledging that the vast majority of those fellow citizens have had very different life experiences than you and that the stakes are higher for many of them each election than they ever will be for you. That can be an uncomfortable experience, but it’s one worth having. If you’re treating your vote like an Amazon purchase (picking the person that promises you what you want and what will help you as an individual, even if it hurts those more vulnerable than you and by extension our country as a whole), you’re doing this wrong. And our country needs you to do better if we’re going to survive. This PSA will make more sense later in this post. Ok, now onto the spreadsheet.

In 2019, as I was leaning 100% into my career change and planning to leave DC, I made a spreadsheet to help me decide where to move. I wrote a post explaining the rationale and how to use the spreadsheet. Even though I haven’t been on the blog much in the past few years, that remains one of my most popular posts, and I still consistently get people emailing me who have questions about using it for their own search. I’ve even recommended it to a few clients (with the caveat that it wasn’t official financial advice 😂)!

The Spreadsheet Update

A few months ago, someone reached out and specifically expressed that they were having issues actually customizing it – adding categories and cities. Which is exciting! Because someone is using it!

When I went back to look at the formulas, I realized there were some shortcomings in the setup, so I decided to make it easier to customize the inputs. This post walks through those new instructions, assuming you are already familiar with the general purpose and concept of the original sheet. If you’re not, go back and read the original post!!

Now, if you go back to the sheet, you’ll see a few new things – highlighted in yellow (image below). You can input new cities at the bottom of the list, and new categories in the new columns added to the end.

BUT, for this to work and not skew the data, you also need to add some extra information. One of the tricky things when entering new data is that some data points are good in higher numbers (Walkability scores), while some are better with lower numbers (price per square foot for home buying). To account for that, you’ll now need to indicate at the bottom of the sheet whether your new category is “good” or “bad” so the standardization formula knows how to treat it. (Going back to my original post example, Batman would mark the crime column as “good,” while most people would mark it as “bad.”) You shouldn’t need to change any data or inputs to the right of the dark dividing column.

This reader was interested in adding categories for whether there were bike trails in a city and distance to a body of water. There were a few tricky things with those specific examples that I want to highlight. Keep in mind that for categories that don’t have numerical value (Y/N for bike trails, for example), you’ll have to change your answers to a number. So 1 for Yes, 0 for No, with the “good or bad” line marked as Good (if you’re measuring the existence of bike trails, the positive number is a good thing). You also can’t put in ranges for distances, but you could put in the actual distance to a body of water or a ranking (from 1-5 for example) for how close the city is based on your own distance scale.

Here’s a screenshot showing the changes, with new blank cities and categories and the “good or bad” row. The image also links to the customizable spreadsheet!

New blank rows/columns and conditional formulas! We’re getting fancy.

As a reminder, you can customize this to your heart’s content, but you’ll need to make your own copy first.

File > Make a copy!

If you do use the spreadsheet and either 1) update the data (these are all 2019 numbers…a lot has changed) or 2) add cities/categories, I’d love it if you could share that data with me or email me your updated spreadsheet/numbers!

The Me Update

(HARD turn from fun spreadsheets) After the garbage Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade that undermined our Judicial branch and the democracy that rests on it (if you think I’m overreacting, you’re not paying attention), I started thinking a lot more about whether or not I wanted to be in Ohio long-term. At a basic level, expansions of anti-abortion activist legislation could undermine my ability to have kids safely in a non-traditional or higher-risk conception/pregnancy. Or just any pregnancy. At the moment, Ohio’s “Heartbeat” bill is held up in the courts, but its future is uncertain. Additionally, and more fundamentally, I think there is something to be said for voting with my tax dollars. And when I first made my spreadsheet in 2019, I didn’t realize that my tax dollars might be supporting something like this (again, BECAUSE WE HAD PROTECTIONS THROUGH ROE V WADE). Ohio isn’t a utopia by any means, but if I were making my spreadsheet today, I wouldn’t have moved to a state that was actively trying to limit abortion access to SIX WEEKS.

The complicating factors? I have no intention of renting again. I also want my next home to be on more land, and ideally to be a property that I can grow in long term. And I’m not convinced I can afford that vision at the moment, especially with current mortgage rates. I’m loving my career change, but growing a business ain’t easy, and we’re not quite at the “Scrooge McDuck swimming pool of gold” level when it comes to my personal finances. So this is NOT an update saying I’ll be moving soon, but rather an update that I’m starting to *contemplate* moving *eventually.*

At the moment, the Minneapolis area of Minnesota is pretty near the top of my list, but I’ll probably update my spreadsheet categories to see if there are other hidden gems out there that have what I’m looking for. One definite new category: does this location still protect my fundamental human right of bodily autonomy even though I’m capable of childbirth? When a dead person has more rights regarding their body than someone who is pregnant, something is deeply wrong in our society.

Are there other factors you think I should consider when I update the spreadsheet for my search? Or other locations you think I should put into the running (nothing farther south than DC, or on the west coast, for weather and family proximity reasons respectively…). Comment here or shoot me a message!

Leveling Up with the CFP®

leveling up with CFP® text with plant growing in jar of coins

Three years ago, I never would have imagined I’d be where I am. Working independently, living in a house I OWN, and helping people improve their finances every day. It took a lot of risks and leaps of faith to get here, but I don’t regret any of them.

As I started working with more clients last year, I realized that I needed to level up. I needed a deeper understanding of some of the nuances in financial planning, and I needed to signal to future clients that even though I don’t have decades in this industry, I’m so committed to this work. So, last November, I started the coursework to become a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™. (Apparently, you get in trouble if you don’t write it that way, so please don’t think I’m extra for the all-caps). Some of the CFP® material was a refresh – at that point, I’d already been working with clients for almost two years. But some of it, the parts that I didn’t get as much exposure to with my clients, was brand new. Estate planning minutia, tax strategies, and so many different retirement plan rabbit holes.

Continue reading “Leveling Up with the CFP®”

What I’m Saving For: 2019

row of piggy banks

2019 is shaping up to be a wild and exciting year for me, so I want to make sure that I’m saving for what’s coming up. There’s a few things listed in my budget categories at the moment, and I thought it would be helpful if I went through those here (as well as how I’m approaching each). I use the YNAB Budget System, so when I refer to categories, that’s what I mean. You can read more about my love for YNAB here.

Also, today is a very special day, and my GIFs are themed accordingly. You’re welcome.

Continue reading “What I’m Saving For: 2019”

New Year and New Goals

Ok, I know that the New Year is actually not really the optimal time to set new goals. But there’s something so enticing about a new year and new possibilities. And this “new goal” has been in the works for awhile and is finally turning into reality. In the past year, I’ve made a lot of progress toward ongoing goals. I’ve paid off my credit card debt and traveled. I’ve focused more on self-improvement and read plenty of non-fiction books. But I also had some set-backs; I didn’t get a job I thought I wanted, and then spent seven months trying to figure out my life. That included clarifying my professional goals, turning down a few seemingly perfect opportunities that weren’t right for me, and thinking about relocating to a lower cost of living location. I wrote all about 2018 in my last post.

drinking champagne from fridge 2018 new goals
I need a drink after that 2018… (via GIPHY)
Continue reading “New Year and New Goals”

Breaking Free of Assigned Identities

breaking free of assigned identities colored pencils owning the stars

In every high school movie, there are the stereotypes. The jocks, the nerds, the music kids, etc. Take a minute—think of the stereotypes in your school. Which one were you? I’m assuming that some sort of answer, even if it isn’t a perfect fit, popped into your head. Or, at the very least, a hybrid of a couple archetypes. Having assigned identities provides security—a platform to define yourself upon and to explore from. But it also limits you. To reference a teen movie masterpiece, Zac Efron’s character in High School Musical (Troy) struggled because his identity was “jock,” but he wanted to perform in the school musical.

zac efron assigned identities jock musical heart's in the song high school musical

Those limits, the constraints of the identity that you either chose for yourself or that someone else assigned, can be stifling. And how do you break away from them, especially when the identity overall seems like a good fit or a natural choice? What opportunities are you missing because you have on blinders that only let you see a straight path forward?

Continue reading “Breaking Free of Assigned Identities”

Why I Travel (And Why You Should, Too)

why I travel owning the stars

On a good day, I can name all 197 countries in the world (I’m using Sporcle’s country list. It includes Taiwan and Palestine BECAUSE WHY WOULDN’T IT). Clips like the Jimmy Kimmel video below make me worry about the United States and how we interact with other countries (well, that clip and a whole lot of other things happening in the news lately…).

Continue reading “Why I Travel (And Why You Should, Too)”

The Value of Happiness: Why I Walked Away from $40k

value of happiness why I walked away from $40,000 blog owning the stars

Could I have picked a more clickbait-y title? You’re welcome. But it’s 100% true too. This is my second weekly update post, and it’s been one hell of a week. This is a pretty long post because there’s some background that needs to be established, but bear with me. I eventually get to the part about lighting money on fire and walking away. But I’ve also discovered that the value of happiness doesn’t have a price tag. And as trite as that sounds, it’s so true.

Continue reading “The Value of Happiness: Why I Walked Away from $40k”

An Ode to My YNAB Budget

YNAB budget finance you need a budget

The Personal Finance community has some pretty strong views about budgets. About whether or not you need one, about the proper way to allocate money, and about what tool is best. Excel spreadsheet user? You should totally be using Personal Capital. No, you should use Mint. No, nothing beats a good old-fashioned spreadsheet! While I hate to add to the noise of the budget debate, I am a fervent convert of You Need a Budget (YNAB).

It has officially been one year since I started my free 34-day trial, and I can honestly say that using YNAB has changed my life. Without it, I never would have gotten my financial shit in order, and I never would have found the personal finance and FIRE community. I finally feel like I have control of my finances, and I want to shout YNAB’s praises from the rooftops. Conveniently, I have a blog now! Complete with virtual rooftops galore!

cats railroad aristocats animation singing from the rooftop
Aristocats…just pretend it’s a rooftop

So here it goes. Reasons why I love budgeting in YNAB:  Continue reading “An Ode to My YNAB Budget”