It’s the end of the quarter, so it’s time for another book list! I read way more books than the first quarter of the year and more nonfiction specifically. Despite that, it’s worth noting that last quarter’s post was a chore to write. It seemed insurmountable. This post was a breeze, and I even finished and scheduled it several days early. I guess it just goes to show how taking care of mental health (and using medication as needed) can make a huge difference! I’m feeling better, and that shows in how much effort it takes me to do productive things in my life. It’s also definitely one of the reasons I was able to read more new books this quarter.
This is Part Two of my book recommendations series! These are all the fiction books I read this year, including any I re-read. Find Part One on nonfiction books here.
I’ve always been a voracious reader, primarily of fiction (and specifically fantasy novels). This year, I decided to consciously track the books I read throughout the year, both so I could be keeping myself accountable with regard to reading more nonfiction, and so I could know how many new books versus old books I read/reread respectively.
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