Slowing Down

slowing down blog post owning the stars

I’ve been really bad about posting regularly on the blog lately. Like no post in the month of May bad. And you know what? That’s okay. Things have been really busy (in a good way), and I’ve been trying to be more intentional about giving myself time and space (aka slowing down). When I get stressed and try to power through, it never turns out well.

How I feel when I “power through.” via GIPHY
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When Optimization is Suboptimal

There’s this insidious trend in the personal finance/self-help spaces that drives me crazy. It’s the idea that we need to optimize every aspect of our lives, hustle hard to get ahead, and hack inefficiencies like we’re machines. Now don’t get me wrong, I love a good productivity hack as much as the next person, but I think this line of thinking can also be dangerous.

Dangerous because it implies that if you aren’t optimizing everything, that you’re slacking. You aren’t trying hard enough, and that’s the reason you can’t get ahead. Well, I’m calling bullshit.

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