Hello world!

Hello World! My name is Elizabeth. I’ve decided to start this blog to document my efforts for self-growth. I’ve been taking steps to improve my life, and I thought it would be helpful for myself (and maybe for some strangers on the internet) if the journey was documented. So here it goes!

First off, I make no promises to stick to one topic or niche on this blog. I know that that’s apparently “what you’re supposed to do,” but I’m a rebel, dammit. And, when I try to narrow down a topic, I have trouble deciding. That’s because over the past 4 months, as I’ve started this journey, it hasn’t just been in one area. Rather, it’s been in three, and I see them all as fundamental and intertwined. Those are:

1)     Financial Independence. Aka, getting my shit together relating to money matters. This means eliminating some pesky credit card debt, paying off student loans, and then saving for some big things in my life, like a down payment, retirement, and a future family. I hate being stressed about money, and I want to get my finances under control.

2)     Health. This isn’t about losing weight (because science). It’s about wanting to be healthy. It’s about eating better and getting outside and staying active. It’s about reducing health risks. Not coincidentally, it ties into #1 because being healthy means eating out less (and ignoring my GrubHub app), which also helps me save money!

3)     Happiness. Call it a quarter-life crisis, call it existential indecision, but I want more in my life. I don’t know what exactly it is, but #1 and #2 have given me this rush of adrenaline with the sense of purpose that accompanies them, and it makes me think that I can snowball that feeling into more general contentment in my life.

If you’re following along, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment or shoot me an email. But even if you don’t do those things, if any of what I say speaks to even one of you, then I’m glad, and this blog has fulfilled its purpose. Sometimes life as a young adult is scary and lonely and stressful, and I for one always feel relieved when I know I’m not the only one struggling and striving for more.

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